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What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Have you felt off lately and can’t quite pinpoint what it is? Early pregnancy symptoms can be subtle, and some women experience multiple symptoms at a time.  If you are experiencing a missed period or nausea, these are just a couple of the early symptoms that may point to pregnancy. We can help you clarify

What Is Ectopic Pregnancy?

As you navigate a pregnancy, it’s important to understand the risk of complications, including ectopic pregnancy. In a healthy pregnancy, a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. With an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants and grows outside the uterus.  Unfortunately, an ectopic pregnancy can’t continue but requires immediate medical treatment. If

How Does an Ultrasound Work?

An ultrasound is a medical procedure used to confirm pregnancy. It uses sound waves to create pictures of the pregnancy inside the body. It’s simple and very effective in diagnosing potential pregnancy complications and confirming the gestational age of a pregnancy.  A transvaginal ultrasound is done for women early in pregnancy, around 6-8 weeks. Most

How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

You’ve recently discovered you’re unexpectedly pregnant, and now you have to tell your parents. There can be very few conversations that make you more nervous than that. It’s okay. You’ve got this. With a bit of pre-planning, you will handle the discussion like a pro. Confirm Your Pregnancy Test Result It takes a little time

When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

Are you experiencing a missed period after unprotected sex? Maybe you have signs of pregnancy like: You may be pregnant. To know for sure, taking a pregnancy test is your first step to clarity. To get the most accurate test results, it’s vital to take a test at the right time. According to the Mayo

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I’m Afraid of How My Partner Will React to My Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant can bring a whirlwind of emotions—fear, anxiety, and uncertainty may take center stage. Those feelings can become even more overwhelming if you’re unsure how your partner will react to the news. While you can’t predict or control someone else’s response, you can take steps to understand your concerns and prepare

What Is an Open Adoption?

Are you considering adoption and wondering how an open adoption works? Unlike other adoption plans, where all or some communication is done through a third party, open adoption allows the most open communication. Is Open Adoption for You? Though no adoption plan is easy emotionally, an open adoption allows for the most flexibility and access

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School?

Are you worried you don’t have the support you need right now? Overwhelmed at the thought of sharing the pregnancy news with your parents and friends? You are not alone. Take one step at a time. We know you might feel confused and fearful about what’s next. We’re here to walk with you and help