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You’ve recently discovered you’re unexpectedly pregnant, and now you have to tell your parents. There can be very few conversations that make you more nervous than that. It’s okay. You’ve got this. With a bit of pre-planning, you will handle the discussion like a pro.

Confirm Your Pregnancy Test Result

It takes a little time to sink in, doesn’t it? The home pregnancy test was positive. But did you know The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates that as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage?

Come to Parke Vermillion Community Pregnancy Center for a free pregnancy test. If your second test is positive, we can offer an ultrasound referral. Ultrasound reveals if your pregnancy is viable, which means it’s growing with a detectable heartbeat. If there’s no heartbeat, it’s either too early or you have miscarried. 

Learn About Your Options

Before you talk with your parents, speak with a staff member at Parke Vermillion. We can review all of your pregnancy options. When you learn what is available to you, it may help you make a more confident decision. Then, when you talk with your parents, you can share your plan.

You Have Three Options:

  • Parenting. This is a hard choice, but you can succeed with the help of family and friends and the many community services available. Talk with us about what is available if you choose to parent. You might be surprised!
  • Adoption. Women often don’t consider placing their child for adoption because they think it would be too hard. But the right adoption agency will provide you with the support and counseling you need if this is the right choice. We can provide referrals to reputable adoption agencies. 
  • Abortion. Indiana banned all abortions. The ban outlaws all abortions except the abortion of a pre-viable fetus or at 20 weeks (whichever is earlier) in the case of a fatal fetal anomaly (a live birth with reasonable certainty it will result in the death of the child not more than three months after the child’s birth). Rape or incest survivors can get an abortion up to 10 weeks post-fertilization or when necessary to save a woman’s life or to prevent a serious health risk. 

    We can discuss the different procedures, expected side effects, and potential risks with you. Get the facts first. We do not provide or refer for abortions.

Having the Talk

How you present the information is directly related to the type of relationship you have with your parents. If you are close, you’re likely dreading the thought of disappointing them. It will shock them just as it did you, so give them time to process what you’re saying.

If your relationship is strained, ask one or both to meet you at a public place such as a park or coffee shop. You may want to invite a friend along for moral support. Do not hesitate to call the National Abuse Hotline at 800-799-7233 if you feel unsafe after sharing the news.

We Can Help You

We understand how difficult this time is for you. You’re most likely shocked, scared, and angry. No matter how you feel, make an appointment with a staff member at Parke Vermillion CPC. Take a free pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy. We can discuss your situation and help you talk with the important people around you. We’re here for you.

Know my state.
Know my options.


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