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Have you felt off lately and can’t quite pinpoint what it is? Early pregnancy symptoms can be subtle, and some women experience multiple symptoms at a time. 

If you are experiencing a missed period or nausea, these are just a couple of the early symptoms that may point to pregnancy. We can help you clarify whether you’re pregnant and your next steps.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Here are some of the most common types of pregnancy symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic. Always follow up with an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy details and see if there is a viable heartbeat present.

A Missed period

One of the first signs of pregnancy is a missed period. While missing your monthly cycle can point to pregnancy, if your cycles aren’t regular, this symptom can be misleading. 


Are you tired all the time? Pregnancy causes many hormonal changes in the body, and blood volume increases by 30-50%. The placenta is developed while all the vital organs are created from scratch. It’s a lot going on, and this can cause great fatigue.

Nausea & Vomiting 

Are you nauseous, vomiting, or both? The levels of hCG increase dramatically as pregnancy progresses. These pregnancy hormones often cause nausea and morning sickness. 

Frequent Urination 

Do you need to pee more than usual lately? As the uterus expands in pregnancy, extra pressure can be put on the bladder, causing women to use the restroom more than normal.

Free Pregnancy Tests

If you’re experiencing more than one of the above symptoms, take a pregnancy test and get some answers. We can help you get the clarity you need.
Our pregnancy tests at PVCPC are free, and our caring staff will talk with you about your next steps. We can also discuss your pregnancy options. Contact us today for support.

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