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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sodales sapien sit amet neque cursus, eu auctor est pretium. Vivamus sed magna rhoncus, pretium tellus vitae, posuere nulla. Sed non dui rutrum, dignissim nulla sed, accumsan mauris.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sodales sapien sit amet neque cursus, eu auctor est pretium. Vivamus sed magna rhoncus, pretium tellus vitae, posuere nulla. Sed non dui rutrum, dignissim nulla sed, accumsan mauris.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sodales sapien sit amet neque cursus, eu auctor est pretium. Vivamus sed magna rhoncus, pretium tellus vitae, posuere nulla. Sed non dui rutrum, dignissim nulla sed, accumsan mauris.

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How to Tell Your Boyfriend and Family You are Pregnant?

Facing an unexpected pregnancy is hard, and getting the courage to tell your boyfriend and family that you are pregnant can be even more difficult. You are not alone.  If you need support sharing the news, we at Parke Vermillion Community Pregnancy Center are here to come alongside you along this journey. In this blog,

How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy?

It’s kind of you to be considerate of your friend’s feelings right now as she experiences an unexpected pregnancy. It can be a scary road to take alone.  If you’re wondering how to support your best friend experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, simply knowing that you are there for her is the first step. Keep reading

7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Do you think you might be pregnant?  If you’re having strange physical symptoms, your body might be sending you signals to indicate a pregnancy has begun. What Are The Most Common Pregnancy Symptoms? During early pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause physical symptoms, which include: 1. Missed Period 2. Tender Breasts 3. Nausea (With or Without