Appointment Icon Rockville Location Call Icon Clinton Location Call Icon

Set up an appointment with us below! Our team will be in touch to help you navigate your next steps of your pregnancy journey. We can support you with any questions you have and connect you with the resources you need.

Make an Appointment

Step 1 of 4

Rockville Location:

410 N Erie St Rockville, IN 47872



Mon: 10-5 pm
Wed: 10-5pm
Thurs: 10-1:30 pm

Clinton Location:

115 S 5th St - Corner of Vine and 5th Clinton, IN



Thurs: 3-7pm

Know my state.
Know my options.


What Can Guys Do About an Unplanned Pregnancy?

Hearing that your partner is pregnant can feel like a lot of pressure, and you’ve no doubt been hit by a wave of emotions. You might feel a rush of responsibility, anxiety about the future, or concern for her well-being.  The most important thing to remember is that your partner is likely feeling the same

I’m Afraid of How My Partner Will React to My Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant can bring a whirlwind of emotions—fear, anxiety, and uncertainty may take center stage. Those feelings can become even more overwhelming if you’re unsure how your partner will react to the news. While you can’t predict or control someone else’s response, you can take steps to understand your concerns and prepare

What Is an Open Adoption?

Are you considering adoption and wondering how an open adoption works? Unlike other adoption plans, where all or some communication is done through a third party, open adoption allows the most open communication. Is Open Adoption for You? Though no adoption plan is easy emotionally, an open adoption allows for the most flexibility and access